Tag: fasting
Reflections on Good Friday

It was a lovely Good Friday this year. I left the morning service feeling profoundly comforted by the idea that I need not try and bend my emotions into a state of remorse, focusing more on accepting Jesus’ gift instead, and wondering about the meaning of sacrifice. I went for a walk, enjoying the obvious … Continue reading Reflections on Good Friday
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This is a translation of a text that I wrote earlier (February 2016) in Dutch. It was triggered by a sermon that I heard in Lent 2014, on fasting, that made rather an impression on me. A long time ago I heard in the time before Easter a sermon in which Psalm 63 was quoted. … Continue reading Longing for God
Read more →Verlangen naar God

God, u bent mijn God, u zoek ik, naar u smacht mijn ziel, naar u hunkert mijn lichaam in een dor en dorstig land, zonder water. — Ps.63:2 Beste gemeenteleden, een paar maanden geleden heb ik in de Jeruzalempost iets geschreven over contemplatief gebed. Dit was omdat dit voor mij in het afgelopen jaar heel … Continue reading Verlangen naar God
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