Tag: burnout
Consider the lilies

In the afternoon of the 5th of June 2015, I sat down by the waterside, exhausted by everything, completely empty and defeated. Then I looked up and saw the light, rippled in the water, and the tiny flowers brightly lit. “Consider the lilies…” My God was telling me that he was still there. Below the surface of all my failed good intentions, he was there. No need to fight so hard. No need to work so much. Just this: open your eyes and look at what God is doing.
Read more →Verlangen naar God

God, u bent mijn God, u zoek ik, naar u smacht mijn ziel, naar u hunkert mijn lichaam in een dor en dorstig land, zonder water. — Ps.63:2 Beste gemeenteleden, een paar maanden geleden heb ik in de Jeruzalempost iets geschreven over contemplatief gebed. Dit was omdat dit voor mij in het afgelopen jaar heel … Continue reading Verlangen naar God
Read more →Limitations

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, lately I’ve been thinking about death. But don’t worry, this is not going to be a sombre text, just so you know. The thing is, I’ve been reading some texts by Russian orthodox priests, because what they say interests me, and their love for Jesus shines so beautifully through … Continue reading Limitations
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