Longing for God
This is a translation of a text that I wrote earlier (February 2016) in Dutch. It was triggered by a sermon that I heard in Lent 2014, on fasting, that made rather an impression on me. A long time ago I heard in the time before Easter a sermon in which Psalm 63 was quoted. … Continue reading Longing for God
Read more →Touching the Soul
Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real? — Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows If there is one word that describes me well, it is ‘curiosity’. I always want to know how things work, in all details, especially what … Continue reading Touching the Soul
Read more →Soap Bubbles
There is something very attractive in soap bubbles. The way they float in the air, their lovely soft colours, the glimmering reflections, they really catch the attention. And I’ve recently discovered that they are even more beautiful when they are frozen. Just google for ‘frozen bubble’ and you’ll find the most stunning pictures and tutorials … Continue reading Soap Bubbles
Read more →Consider the lilies
In the afternoon of the 5th of June 2015, I sat down by the waterside, exhausted by everything, completely empty and defeated. Then I looked up and saw the light, rippled in the water, and the tiny flowers brightly lit. “Consider the lilies…” My God was telling me that he was still there. Below the surface of all my failed good intentions, he was there. No need to fight so hard. No need to work so much. Just this: open your eyes and look at what God is doing.
Read more →You, child
And you, child, shall be called the prophet of the Most High, for you will go before the Lord to prepare his way, to give his people knowledge of salvation by the forgiveness of all their sins. Luke 1:76-79 No human being can pay full attention to the words that he or she is … Continue reading You, child
Read more →Ramblings of a pharisee
The following wandering thoughts are about whether or not I was wrong in following the Catholic Apostolic apostles, and what to do now.
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