Tag: God’s presence
Waters of the soul (monster included)

The line I quoted just above, struck a note for me. In my mind I saw an image of beautiful still waters, and it seemed so very desirable to come home like that. But how? Time for some experimental research. I’ve already done plenty of that, with my experiments in contemplation, meditation with the Jesus … Continue reading Waters of the soul (monster included)
Read more →Wait patiently for the Lord

“Wait patiently for the Lord”: It is a recurring theme in the psalms, as for example in Psalm 27 quoted above. It reminds me of moral stories, that we tell children to teach them that honesty will eventually be rewarded, although that may take long. But how long? At what point will we accept that … Continue reading Wait patiently for the Lord
Read more →Consider the lilies

In the afternoon of the 5th of June 2015, I sat down by the waterside, exhausted by everything, completely empty and defeated. Then I looked up and saw the light, rippled in the water, and the tiny flowers brightly lit. “Consider the lilies…” My God was telling me that he was still there. Below the surface of all my failed good intentions, he was there. No need to fight so hard. No need to work so much. Just this: open your eyes and look at what God is doing.
Read more →God waits

At the last meeting with the Christian Classics study group, I had some really nice conversations over dinner, and when I thought back on them, I realized that many of them seemed to revolve around the theme of waiting. Waiting before offering unwanted advice, waiting for Godot (that’s a strange play, about some people that … Continue reading God waits
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