Category: Kathleen Norris
Kathleen Norris is my first and big example in writing. I was most comforted by her honesty and sharing her thoughts. She showed me how helpful it can be for others if you share your failures, and that it is really not selfish to write about yourself.
The first book that I read of her was The Quotidian Mysteries. I can’t begin to describe what a new experience this book was to me.
I have also read Acedia & Me, another such very personal, and thought provoking work
You, child
And you, child, shall be called the prophet of the Most High, for you will go before the Lord to prepare his way, to give his people knowledge of salvation by the forgiveness of all their sins. Luke 1:76-79 No human being can pay full attention to the words that he or she is … Continue reading You, child
Read more →Quicksand of Questions
To write or not to write.. that’s the question. And then what to write, that’s another question. And silly enough, these questions can make me miserable. However much I enjoy writing, when these questions grip me, I start thinking that whatever I do is bound to become a total flop anyway, and that it was … Continue reading Quicksand of Questions
Read more →On prayer and quiet
This is my first text ever, that I wrote initially as a letter to my congregation ‘De Jeruzalemkerk‘. I later shared it with Father David, who asked if he might translate it for the Holy Trinity Chaplaincy. I was so encouraged by this, and noticed how much I had enjoyed sharing my thoughts, that I … Continue reading On prayer and quiet
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