Lovely Paradoxes

Summer holiday was nice and relaxed for me, I’ve done a lot of reading (of course) and in one book I stumbled on the sentence that following Jesus means that we embrace the freedom of our failures and weakness. Apart from all the other wonderful things in this book, especially this sentence made me think. … Continue reading Lovely Paradoxes
Read more →God waits

At the last meeting with the Christian Classics study group, I had some really nice conversations over dinner, and when I thought back on them, I realized that many of them seemed to revolve around the theme of waiting. Waiting before offering unwanted advice, waiting for Godot (that’s a strange play, about some people that … Continue reading God waits
Read more →If the truth were true

There’s this wonderful sentence that has stuck in my mind recently: ‘If the truth were true’. I read it in a book about the many gifts we receive in baptism and one chapter suggested that we should live as if we really believe the truth. This started me off thinking what I would do if … Continue reading If the truth were true
Read more →For our ancestors
… for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments. Honor your father and your mother, that … Continue reading For our ancestors
Read more →For Grandpa, with love
Grandpapa Did you know My burning heart My desire to show What did you see When you sat so still Drawn back in your chair Where nothing could kill I saw you My heart full of love And I looked up To heaven above We shall meet again We will both be whole We will … Continue reading For Grandpa, with love
Read more →Liberating Creativity

With Easter we’ve celebrated the victory of Jesus over death and sin. It is a precious victory, that He won at a high price. This leads me to think about freedom, which I first associate with creativity, because we need freedom to be really creative. Also, our creativity is truly a wonderful gift of God: this is what makes us all unique and special.
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