42, 22 or a sense of meaning

A good friend once told me that I am like the type that comes to nothing because they keep wondering what would be the best way and never get started. “Fortunately”, he said, “at some point you always just start somewhere, and that gets the job done”. Well, maybe not the job, but some job. … Continue reading 42, 22 or a sense of meaning
Read more →Liefde, blijdschap, vrede

Er zit een liedje in mijn hoofd. Sinds zondag, het kinderliedje “Liefde, blijdschap, vree-hee-hee-de, goedheid en ook trouw, wil de heer je geven, door de Heil’ge Geest in jou!”. Het is grappig hoe zo’n liedje je gedachten kan gaan bepalen. Dit liedje geeft in elk geval voor mij nu verrassend bemoedigende antwoorden op vragen die … Continue reading Liefde, blijdschap, vrede
Read more →Run gently, like a tiger

Think of a tiger, how he moves with grace, spending the least possible effort in every step. Run like that, to begin with. Later you will be able to run like a joyful lion, and eventually fly like a bird or even a dragon. The previous few lines are my short summary of the book … Continue reading Run gently, like a tiger
Read more →Guard your heart

Occasionally a question keeps lingering in the back of your head, when you tried but didn’t find a satisfying solution. You move on to other things and forget you even asked. Until, some day, you read something, or hear something, and suddenly you realize: “Aha! Now the pieces are falling together, the picture becomes clear.” … Continue reading Guard your heart
Read more →My soul is a shepherd

“My soul is a shepherd, a flock it feeds”, sang George Herbert. Such a lovely image of taking good care of your own inner life, and bringing forth something beautiful! Just repeating this sentence in my head already helps reduce the tension that I often feel when I am disagreeing with myself. Especially in lockdown … Continue reading My soul is a shepherd
Read more →The Last Guru

The children’s book, “The last guru”, tells a short and funny story that contains quite a bit of wisdom. I read it recently, and enjoyed how it reminded me of old insights. Yes, it “reminded”, not “taught” me. More and more I come to the conclusion that with all my pondering and struggling to seek … Continue reading The Last Guru
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